Wednesday, October 26, 2005

the sum of things, today

I am still sick. I should be in class right now, but landlord did a suprise visit to fix a leak.
I had a daydream while sitting here...
White billboards everywhere saying, "War is Over! If You Want It. Happy Christmas, From John (via the great beyond) and Yoko"

Yas yas, I know...sometimes I can be such a hippie...but today on the news, first thing, they tell ya that today makes 2000 dead average of two a day since the begining of the war...
it really makes my soul shiver. Everyone now is to cynical and apathetic--myself in the upper echelon of said group...but there are days and times where the bad stuff gets in...
and i find myself saying hippie things.
Today I'm just bothered.
Blah blah...i dont know what I'm trying to say.
War is over. If you want it. Happy Christmas.

Monday, October 24, 2005

im le sick....

So anyway....I am in school last Wednesday, in the library (required "research time" w/ class)...and I start to notice a small tickle in my throat that is making me want to cough.
"Thats wierd," I tell myself. "Maybe smoking will cure the cough," or some other such strange logic. A few hours later, I'm at home, and it had become very apparent that I was getting fucking sick.

That was last wednesdsay. Fast forward to today....Sunday night (or monday morning)....and I still feel fucking SICK...but It is finally going away. I've been though five days of bullshit coughing, wheezing, snot rag, sore throat, fever, chills, sleeping sleeping sleeping....which BTW, I've discovered that nyquil is not in fact, "allow me to get some rest" medicine. I literally tried to overdose on the stuff in hopes for sleeping though the night without waking up hacking or having to blow my nose. Serious liver damage aside, I am now way behind on my english paper, as well as had to miss Morgan/Mario's party Friday (i actually almost went morgan...but i seriously couldnt even breathe, and also, didnt want everyone to get pissed off at me for passing germs)...anway...the picture above means nothing to me...but i did read about the immune system tonight...intresting stuff....i love how the "virus" always looks mean.

Anyway, I also got Phil sick...which was FUCKING lovely I must say. We have been rotting in this house with tissues and over the counter medications for days...I feel the need to clean everything with some serious lysol...or just burn the mother fucker down. The plus side of this is that I think I might have inadvertenly (sp) quit smoking...

Fuck, who am i soon as i can breathe again, Im going fill my lungs up with tar all over again. Ah, sweet nicotine....the one thing that stops me from commiting murder and mayhem on an hourly basis...Dont worry, momma's comming home soon.

Friday, October 14, 2005

quick post, with illustration...subtitled, "Mother Fuck, J. Depp is beautiful."

Two things:
First off, for no reason, i post johnny depp in all his fucking dark brooding glory. How rare a person he is...a good actor, and a goddamn adonis. He seems rather intelligent...AND he loves Jack Kerouac, which means he has taste...or at least my kind of taste. Also, this means he reads...or at least CAN read. Yum. I give you a Johnny Depp quote that I love, from a Rolling Stone interview he did:

"I remember when I was a little kid, I use to dream of flying a lot. I guess most kids do. You grow up, and all kinds of hardship gets thrown on your shoulders, you dont dream of flying anymore."

(Post Scrip to the Johnny Depp thing...Why the fuck is this guy so god damn hot?!?!?! I mean seriously, I was doing a google search for an image of him, and there is not a bad photo to be had of this guy. So I pose the question to science as to why J. Depp is so fucking insanely hot. There should be grant money involved in said research. I want to know. Damn it.)

Second: I decided I am going to write a short story or something, for everyone in my immedate family...i dont really have a big family...i kinda do, but its like one of those deals where no one really talks to to the great aunts/cousins, etc. But anyway...Im gonna write something for my each one in my family...something that reminds me of them...not literally, a story about them. Sarah, if you are reading this, I'm gonna make you a cat in your story.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

kelli kapowski my ass, or, "my generation."

Been thinking alot about my genneration. As in, the generation of the fabulous fifties, baby boomers, genneration x, etc. I think, being 26, I am pretty much at the tail end of "generation x," if a part of it at all. In one of my classes, there was a discussion about what the basic them of these generations...the generation of the fifties saw war and America at its best--they had the most sucess, both financially and family-wise. Baby boomers saw the most change in thier generation--peace movement, equal rights, etc. Apparently generation x's great addition to society is the fact that they cant be bothered too much....laziness...cynisim...seeing generations before, and knowing that it will never be that good again. Now that the boomers are about to retire, genneration x is about to take over apparently.

I dunno...the people I know who are my age are actually pretty "with it," when it comes to social issues and what not. I am hoping the people in MY generation will change the world when we finally come of age to "take over." Most people I know in my generation...they care too much about things. They question everything too would be nice, but its not a prerequisite. We've seen a bunch of walking contradictions...regan, berlin wall falling down, 9-11, being told not to be afriad, but be afriad...etc. We have seen a million starbucks go up. We are sick and tired of all things lame, intolerent, and branded. I swear to God, once we get a handle on our booze problem, good things are gonna happen because of my generation.