Tuesday, July 26, 2005

funny picture....

this is of me and my old friend frank....at some wedding we went to together. I found this and had to put it up for a couple reasons--i am fucking way pale in it (i wish someone would have told me i was mexican that day), my lipstick matches my sweater matches my drink, and also--it's me and frank and our two best friends--vodka and beer. Oh, and finally--i look skinny in this picture (duh). How lovely.
I hate my glasses in this.
No worries....we all got completly plastered at this party. My cousin got arrested--literally--on the dance floor.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

lettuce sandwich anyone?

I took this picture of myself when i woke up this morning. I couldnt find my pants. I hate it when that happens....FUCK! I am one of the army of women that would compleatly go gay for Angelina Jolie...her limbs and neck are so...deer-like...its enough to make you reconsider offing yourself.

doing some serious math homework and writing this weekend....well...more writing. I finished a story that i had started months ago. I'm quite fond of it. I wont be next week. I swear to god, its disgusting the way artistic people need to be coddled and cooed at. We all need someone to tell us we are all good. Its gross and everyone--especially the really serious writers, will deny that they need praise, but they do. I guess thats one of my problems...i realize that it would probably make me a more productive writer if i shared it with other people and got thier opinions on it, but im just so goddamn secrative with everything...i need to try and break that habbit.

I was on myspace earlier....i really loathe myspace....actually....its not so much the idea of myspace...but i just dont get how people actually have the time or energy to make thier little space all pretty and full of pictures and thier likes/dislikes/comments etc. And as far as the, "Member: kitty69 has 789 friends" well thats just ridiculous. It took me way to much effort just to finally change my page from the default color to pink and black today....and i still cant believe i do this fucking blog thing.

Tomarrow...its nothing but cleaning the first half of the day, and math the last half. I shall make phil hamburger helper for dinner...isnt that quaint? I'm back to being a vegetarian again (thank god) so its a lettuce sandwich for me.....i love lettuce sandwiches....mind you theres cheese, mustard and tomato...but it has to have a shit load of lettuce on it. why this needs to be a public notice, i have not the answer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

tired...it is in the stars.

i went to ventura over the weekend, when i should have been finishing up my pol. sci paper....visiting my sister with my mother and two cousins...it was pretty uneventful. I worked on my paper on my sisters laptop while they went to the zoo...then we all went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory....which i really loved. The umpa-lumpas were way cooler in this one i thought. Also, there is slightly more of a story line to this one.

So i drive back on sunday so i could turn in my paper on monday, stay up all night, finish the damn thing...not a very good paper, but i finished it at least, was an hour late to class, but got it in. directly after class, drive ALL THE WAY BACK to santa barbara to pick my mom up. I just got back, its 12:30, and im way tired.
fun times. since this was such a pointless, weepy entry, i give you my birth chart for shits and giggles.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Situation: Comedy

I was watching Bravo tonight (queer eye still makes me laugh), and was accosted with a comercial for Bravo's new reality show, "situation: comedy." This hurt my feelings for several reasons:

1) Last July, they had a contest for this reality show, where one would write a script, submit it to Bravo, they read, they pick finalists etc, and the winner gets a bunch of cool crap including cash and a yr rep from william morris--as well as the sitcom you wrote gets made (apparently).

2) I entered above contest. I was not choosen for any of the above. I suck. I already knew this and was honest to god not expecting anything. I had forgotten all about this. I would not be bothered today if...

3)...and this is gonna sound really lame...but i swear someone somehow got my idea, changed it around for the worse...and made it into a show that just started airing in May.

Ok...so I'm really not hurt. My script sucked--but the idea (in my meager opinion) was decent. I had never written one before...never really entertained the thought (i cant even fucking spell for godsakes). But i took a shot, took alot of time THINKING ABOUT IT...and wrote a pilot script for the damn thing, went to the post office--postage, in the mail, the whole thing. This cut into time where i could have been drinking mind you. Then in february or something, i see an ad for a new show on--of all networks, FOX, which is strangly similar sounding to my sitcom idea. I watch the show, and it is more similar...they screwed it up completly mind you--but still...i cant help wonder...how and the hell things can be so damn similar. (whats really wierd, because i read up on this show, was that the guy pitched the IDEA to FOX, with no pilot script ready or anything...he just had this brilliant idea one day, and they give him the money to start writing it off of his...idea...)

Do I go sue someone? Pitch a stink? Cry about it (besides now)? NO....i aint going out like that. The show on FOX is horrible--it would have been much funnier if the WOULD have stolen the whole idea...but then i guess i would have sued...
I'm starting to sound like a forty-something hack pushing scripts underneath bathroom stalls and what not. Its kewl Bravo....Its kew. I aint gonna be a hater--

You just hurt me, thats all. Fie on you. A plauge on both your houses.
PS: I will be watching the show when it starts the end of this month

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"today i didnt even have to use my a-k..."

So I'm back from a VERY UNEVENTFUL weekend...full of math homework....more painting of my grandmas house...and more about gay marriage for the term paper. My favorite anti-gay marriage arguement so far is that it would be putting the states, "stamp of approval" on gay-ness--that being gay is A-OK-- and that it would be promoting a harmful lifestyle. First off...like a marriage licence is any kind of approval of anything--it basically means you can fill out a form and cough up a filing fee. Second, the red-meat-every-meal lifestyle is harmful...but i dont see any congress member writing a bill on that one. But anyway...I guess I will save that for my soon to be brilliant paper.

The one fun thing i did do was download googleearth. Its this bitchin program that lets you look at the world, in detail, from satalites. You can zoom down to see paticular houses and what not...its fucking rad, and soon to be an incredible time waster for the masses. Again, google is doing its beta testing on this one, so its not readily available...and i had to keep checking back on thier site for a week before i got to download it.

I have no other rantings today. I'm quite tired...i was falling asleep in my Pol Sci class this morning...my notes are nothing but scribbles drifting off to one side. I almost fell off my chair several times--that would have been something to talk about.
what a boring life. Next time, i will write something utterly brilliant/funny/insightful that you will shit yourself.

Friday, July 01, 2005

the joy that is hot button issues...

so here is the deal...i've gotta write a big paper for my political science class on one of those tried and true "hot topic/button/pulsating artery issues." The prof has given us a selected list of said issues...many of them now having been extremly over done over the years (abortion, euthanasia, death penalty, etc). Off of this fine list I have decided on gay marriage for a couple of reasons...the first one being that i dont get the issue....and i like to get in arguements with at least a small working base knowlege. Secondly...i have many gay friends. While most of them could give a flying fuck about thier right to marriage...i hope that i would be fighting a good fight in case one of them does stop going to the club and wants to settle down with that special someone. Third...it would really re-affirm my repulsion for the religious right and thier half witted...at times po-dunk thinking (btw: if anyone knows the roots of the slang po-dunk...please educate me. this came up w/ drinking friends and none of us had a clue). I am digressing.

So again...i dont know much about the issue...i have just checked out four books on the subject (all apparently with both pro and con arguements in them, as well as both sides of the topic in a legal standpoint)...have also bookmarked some sites...(godhatesfagsdotcom not one of them). The material that i have read so far (basically scanned for content) i really dont understand. What i dont understand is why i am reading alot of biblical quotes and what not...i mean--yes, i get it...people think gays/gaysex/gayness is anti-jesus and what not...but why is this being used as the basis for what is seemingly a legal issue? I dont want to go into more detail, because i have read some other questionable things that i could rant on about for days...but i just cannot understand if there is suppose to be a seperation of church and state (rightly so--these two things are on compleatly diffrent planes of existence)...why all the bible thumping? At least give me some figures about how gay marriage will financially bankrupt public schools or cause birth defects in 98% of cases...SOMETHING other then,

"Since homosexual behavior is directly associated with higher rates of promiscuity, physical disease, mental illness, substance abuse, child sexual abuse, and domestic violence, there is no reason to reward such behavior by granting it society's ultimate affirmation--the status of civil marriage--or any of the benefits of marriage."

Because, we all know, there is none of that behavior in a happy, hetrosexual marriage--is there?
Jesus H. Christ...someone give me your comments. I would really like to hear them.
I've realized its very much a part of my personality to...i dunno...hate unfair things. Maybe I am a big fucking hippie...but whatever.

I can hear Phil calling me a "fag-lover" in his sleep.