lettuce sandwich anyone?

I took this picture of myself when i woke up this morning. I couldnt find my pants. I hate it when that happens....FUCK! I am one of the army of women that would compleatly go gay for Angelina Jolie...her limbs and neck are so...deer-like...its enough to make you reconsider offing yourself.
doing some serious math homework and writing this weekend....well...more writing. I finished a story that i had started months ago. I'm quite fond of it. I wont be next week. I swear to god, its disgusting the way artistic people need to be coddled and cooed at. We all need someone to tell us we are all good. Its gross and everyone--especially the really serious writers, will deny that they need praise, but they do. I guess thats one of my problems...i realize that it would probably make me a more productive writer if i shared it with other people and got thier opinions on it, but im just so goddamn secrative with everything...i need to try and break that habbit.
I was on myspace earlier....i really loathe myspace....actually....its not so much the idea of myspace...but i just dont get how people actually have the time or energy to make thier little space all pretty and full of pictures and thier likes/dislikes/comments etc. And as far as the, "Member: kitty69 has 789 friends" well thats just ridiculous. It took me way to much effort just to finally change my page from the default color to pink and black today....and i still cant believe i do this fucking blog thing.
Tomarrow...its nothing but cleaning the first half of the day, and math the last half. I shall make phil hamburger helper for dinner...isnt that quaint? I'm back to being a vegetarian again (thank god) so its a lettuce sandwich for me.....i love lettuce sandwiches....mind you theres cheese, mustard and tomato...but it has to have a shit load of lettuce on it. why this needs to be a public notice, i have not the answer.
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