kelli kapowski my ass, or, "my generation."

Been thinking alot about my genneration. As in, the generation of the fabulous fifties, baby boomers, genneration x, etc. I think, being 26, I am pretty much at the tail end of "generation x," if a part of it at all. In one of my classes, there was a discussion about what the basic them of these generations...the generation of the fifties saw war and America at its best--they had the most sucess, both financially and family-wise. Baby boomers saw the most change in thier generation--peace movement, equal rights, etc. Apparently generation x's great addition to society is the fact that they cant be bothered too much....laziness...cynisim...seeing generations before, and knowing that it will never be that good again. Now that the boomers are about to retire, genneration x is about to take over apparently.
I dunno...the people I know who are my age are actually pretty "with it," when it comes to social issues and what not. I am hoping the people in MY generation will change the world when we finally come of age to "take over." Most people I know in my generation...they care too much about things. They question everything too would be nice, but its not a prerequisite. We've seen a bunch of walking contradictions...regan, berlin wall falling down, 9-11, being told not to be afriad, but be afriad...etc. We have seen a million starbucks go up. We are sick and tired of all things lame, intolerent, and branded. I swear to God, once we get a handle on our booze problem, good things are gonna happen because of my generation.
"our booze problem"! I love it! Summed it right up yo and made me think of a lot of people I know. Why do you think that is? What is it that our generation can't tolerate - so much so that we hide behind our vices? What's going to make us stop and take action?
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