im le sick....

So anyway....I am in school last Wednesday, in the library (required "research time" w/ class)...and I start to notice a small tickle in my throat that is making me want to cough.
"Thats wierd," I tell myself. "Maybe smoking will cure the cough," or some other such strange logic. A few hours later, I'm at home, and it had become very apparent that I was getting fucking sick.
That was last wednesdsay. Fast forward to today....Sunday night (or monday morning)....and I still feel fucking SICK...but It is finally going away. I've been though five days of bullshit coughing, wheezing, snot rag, sore throat, fever, chills, sleeping sleeping sleeping....which BTW, I've discovered that nyquil is not in fact, "allow me to get some rest" medicine. I literally tried to overdose on the stuff in hopes for sleeping though the night without waking up hacking or having to blow my nose. Serious liver damage aside, I am now way behind on my english paper, as well as had to miss Morgan/Mario's party Friday (i actually almost went morgan...but i seriously couldnt even breathe, and also, didnt want everyone to get pissed off at me for passing germs)...anway...the picture above means nothing to me...but i did read about the immune system tonight...intresting stuff....i love how the "virus" always looks mean.
Anyway, I also got Phil sick...which was FUCKING lovely I must say. We have been rotting in this house with tissues and over the counter medications for days...I feel the need to clean everything with some serious lysol...or just burn the mother fucker down. The plus side of this is that I think I might have inadvertenly (sp) quit smoking...
Fuck, who am i soon as i can breathe again, Im going fill my lungs up with tar all over again. Ah, sweet nicotine....the one thing that stops me from commiting murder and mayhem on an hourly basis...Dont worry, momma's comming home soon.
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