Damn Palahniuk...

Bought "Fight Club" today, by good old Chuck P....Actually have owned and read this book--but that was years ago, and I gave it away. Now, its a required text in my english class, so I buy it. Decided to head over to his website to fuck around...the guy is a brilliant author...more my style of writing anyway--not much bullshit. Anyway, I guess he just wrapped up his last book tour, and I had to write down how pissed I was that I missed it. What really really REALLY hurts is that he had a stop in this book store I use to live down the block from in San Francisco. I could have literally walked across the street and met Chuck. Damn it. I swear I was born too late/too early for all sorts of cool ass shit. Anyway, I'm really digging pictures on the blog, so I post one of Palahniuk. Its wierd--on his website he has a few really nice pictures, and a few really nerdy looking ones..it looks like a diffrent person every time. Of course I put up one of the really hot looking ones, because thats the way I roll.