I was watching Bravo tonight (queer eye still makes me laugh), and was accosted with a comercial for Bravo's new reality show, "situation: comedy." This hurt my feelings for several reasons:
1) Last July, they had a contest for this reality show, where one would write a script, submit it to Bravo, they read, they pick finalists etc, and the winner gets a bunch of cool crap including cash and a yr rep from william morris--as well as the sitcom you wrote gets made (apparently).
2) I entered above contest. I was not choosen for any of the above. I suck. I already knew this and was honest to god not expecting anything. I had forgotten all about this. I would not be bothered today if...
3)...and this is gonna sound really lame...but i swear someone somehow got my idea, changed it around for the worse...and made it into a show that just started airing in May.
Ok...so I'm really not hurt. My script sucked--but the idea (in my meager opinion) was decent. I had never written one before...never really entertained the thought (i cant even fucking spell for godsakes). But i took a shot, took alot of time THINKING ABOUT IT...and wrote a pilot script for the damn thing, went to the post office--postage, in the mail, the whole thing. This cut into time where i could have been drinking mind you. Then in february or something, i see an ad for a new show on--of all networks, FOX, which is strangly similar sounding to my sitcom idea. I watch the show, and it is more similar...they screwed it up completly mind you--but still...i cant help wonder...how and the hell things can be so damn similar. (whats really wierd, because i read up on this show, was that the guy pitched the IDEA to FOX, with no pilot script ready or anything...he just had this brilliant idea one day, and they give him the money to start writing it off of his...idea...)
Do I go sue someone? Pitch a stink? Cry about it (besides now)? NO....i aint going out like that. The show on FOX is horrible--it would have been much funnier if the WOULD have stolen the whole idea...but then i guess i would have sued...
I'm starting to sound like a forty-something hack pushing scripts underneath bathroom stalls and what not. Its kewl Bravo....Its kew. I aint gonna be a hater--
You just hurt me, thats all. Fie on you. A plauge on both your houses.
PS: I will be watching the show when it starts the end of this month