skippin skool, art deco style

So right now I'm diggin on Art Deco...but in paticular an artist named Tamara de Lempicka. I stumbled across this picture on the net, and looked her up. Her paintings are pretty awesome...So I figure I would put one up so whoever reads this will get some culture. Or not, depending on your taste I guess.
Anyway, Its fucking hot. But I am trying really hard not to bitch about it. Really hard. I hope people dont start killing eachother.
Summer skool blows. I am doing ok in math, which is really shocking. I guess when you've taken the class three times, you get lucky or something. Morning class is boring. Learning alot of things about "computers and society," that I never wanted/needed to know. The guy teaching it is really nice. So it makes me feel bad. He actually told us he didnt have an attendance policy, which was an unfortunante mistake on his part. Its only been a week, and I know my dilligence is about to give way to fucking the class off. He makes it pretty easy, all the lectures and assingments are on the web. Again, the guy is just too nice. This is summer skool for fucks sake, why would we be there if you make it so easy for us not to be?
Its gonna be fucking great when I am a teacher. I want to be hated. I want high school kids to talk massive amounts of shit about me. And make up horribly offensive nicknames for me that I will overhear in the halls and laugh maniacally at, then give them a pop midterm, no notes. I am considering an attempt at bringing back "cypherin,'" (sp?), in which I will make students memorize outdated limerics and pages of the Iliad and then perform then in front of the whole class. Its gonna rock. This might not work if I decide to teach in a prison, which I am contemplating. I really dont want to get shanked or anything.
Time to do some skool work. Or maybe writing. I hope everyone is sweating thier ass off with dignity and grace.
I'm out.
PS: c-Lo isnt just some clever nickname in mimic of J-lo....those are actually my initials people. So get off my ass.